
Meta is the largest social media company on the planet. As the owners of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, they are a massive communication conglomerate that understands the industry as well as anybody. They have been responsible for some of the biggest innovations in social media, ranging from the early days of the Facebook newsfeed to the modern shoppable content of Instagram. If anyone understands what works on social media and what doesn’t, it is Meta.

Meta has redefined the social media advertising space throughout its run as the world’s top social media company. From creating Facebook Ads and Whitelisting to the audience targeting features on Instagram, Meta is a leader in this space. What they say about social media advertising is important to pay attention to.

Recently, Meta offered insights and data into what is currently playing well on social media. These are new ways of social media advertising intended for the modern social landscape. Meta calls these insights their six culture codes, ways of appealing to consumers online in a culturally relevant way. Let’s look at these six culture codes and break down what we can learn from them.

Meta’s Six Codes

Here are Meta’s Six Culture Codes for Platform Native Advertising:

1. They have real people telling real stories, inviting employees or customers to deliver their message.

2. They use the language of the platform to signal their place in feed and, therefore, in culture.

3. They harness the power of creators to establish trust and relatability.

4. They take us behind the scenes to be part of the process.

5. They use lo-fi editing techniques that feel handmade and human.

6. They use humor to dissolve boundaries between brand and audience.

What They Mean and How to Use Them

If there’s one thing these culture codes teach us, the boundary between brands and consumers is shrinking. More than ever, there is a value placed on authenticity and transparency in brand-consumer advertising. People want more humor and humanity out of their advertising, they want access, and they want the corporate sheen removed. Throughout this article, Meta cites several intriguing data points that illustrate how people currently feel about social media advertising.

According to a survey cited in this Meta article, 84% of young consumers agreed with the statement “I like it when content from brands is not perfect,” and 79% agreed that they are “tired of seeing perfect images in advertising.” People no longer want glossy, highly edited videos featuring models and celebrities. They want real people at the forefront, whether they are customers or employees.

Another important cultural code is the second, about using the platform’s language. This is something critical for all brands to understand. To truly natively advertise, you need to gear your social media content to fit the forms of the platform you are marketing on. Whether you are trying to use any of the Meta platforms or TikTok influencer marketing, there are certain ways of doing things people have come to expect. Whether it is certain dances, sounds, or styles, learn these languages, and do what you can to make your content fit online.

Meta makes an important point about the power of creators in this new digital landscape. They cite a statistic that 63% of 18-34 year-olds-trust what a creator has to say about a brand more than what the brand has to say about itself. This is why influencer marketing is the powerhouse industry that it is. People don’t want to hear a brand talk about itself. They want to see other consumers, recognizable social media figures, discuss their opinions on your brand.

These cultural codes should be guiding parts of brands’ social media marketing strategies. Right now, what makes a business stand out and play well is using lo-fi, mobile-friendly content that is human and utilizes creators. It isn’t the movie-quality ads that play on social media right now. Things like Instagram Reels or TikToks leverage the appeal of creators to work on brands’ behalf.

Social media has changed a lot in recent years. Finding a way to keep up with the shifting forms and trends is critical. These six pillars of modern marketing from Meta are important and insightful and can help brands appeal to consumers on the social platforms they are using.

If you are trying to launch your social media strategy, partnering with an influencer marketing firm is the way to do it. Influence Hunter is a top influencer marketing agency with years of experience helping brands develop customizable campaigns that yield major results. Contact Us Today to find out how we can help take your influencer outreach to the next level.

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